Brighton and Hove Conservation Advisory Group (CAG)
Recommendations of CAG on 25 September 2015:
Planning Application BH2015/02443 Units 2-8 The Terraces Madeira Drive Brighton
CAG recommends refusal of the application on the grounds that the proposal will cause a loss of views of the sea and Brighton Pier from Marine Parade.
The group is, in principle, against any structure which rises above Marine Parade.
It is recommended that a planning brief is prepared for the site, to give clear guidance to developers which CAG could review before it is finalised.
The group requests that the application is decided by the planning committee and views from the north side of Marine Parade, Brighton Pier and the Royal Albion should be provided to assist committee members.
The group feels the proposed trees would be inappropriate and would not survive in such weather conditions. The group feels that a condition should be added to any approved application, that any missing bronze lights and standards should be reinstated on the Madeira Drive frontage.' [25.9.15]
The group notes that the sea views from Marine Parade are universally recognised as some of the best in the country, and feels that the scheme represents a disservice to the public due to loss of significant views to the seafront, pier and sea and the loss of public access to what is currently a public area.
The group recalls a number of changes to the site in the last century, all of which have preserved views to the sea.
The group requests that if the application is recommended for approval, it should be heard at planning committee.
Recommendation of Brighton & Hove City Council's Conservation Advisory Group on 25 September 2015
(names may include some past or substitute members):
01 Brighton Society - Selma Montford
02 Brunswick & Adelaide Residents Group - Juliette Hunting
03 The Georgian Group - Nick Tyson
04 Hove Civic Society - Helmut Lusser
05 Kemp Town Society - Derek de Young
06 Kingscliffe Society - Robert Edwards
07 Montpelier & Clifton Hill Association - Corinne Atwood
08 North Laine Community Association - Sandy Crowhurst
09 Preston & Old Patcham Society - Ms Ann Johnson
10 Regency Society - Roger Hinton (Chair)
11 Regency Society - Richard Carroll
12 Regency Square Area Society - Margaret Brisley
13 Rottingdean Preservation Society - Arthur Collins
14 The Round Hill Society - Ted Power
15 West Hill Community Association - Jim Gowans (Vice Chair)
16 Brighton & Hove Archaeological Society - Mark Gillingham
17 English Heritage - Graham Steaggles & Dr Richard Morrice
18 Royal Institute of British Architects – Sussex Branch
19 Sussex Industrial Archeology Society - Ron Martin
20 Ancient Monuments Society - Roger Amerena
21 Technical Support Officer - Molly McLean.